Saturday, February 28, 2009

WaterFall Outing!!!

Just beautiful in everyway!!!

We are getting ready to leave the house.. I look really mad, but I wasn't I was caught between expression!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lexi just started SCREAMING water as soon as she could hear it!

Shane was awake the whole time and just wanted to look around at everything! He loved it; the colors , the sun, and the waterfall! It seem to just him under a spell when he would stare at the moving water!

We are loving getting out and enjoying the beautiful sceneary!! Spending some defiantly overdue family time!!

This was the best picture we could get of Lexi, cause all she wanted to do was run, Run, RUN!!!! She has more energy then she knows what to do with!! She is really her Father's daughter in that department!!

Lexi found a lil waterfall of her very own!!! And BOY was she wet when we left!!
Brian took these pictures to help me blog! I think from now on I am going to let him take the pictures... he gets better photos then I do! There are flower patches like this along the pathway sporadically. It was just the most gorgeous and extremely BIG park that I have ever seen!


Bonnie said...

Man I'm so jealous you guys have warm enough weather to get outside a bit! The kids are adorable. They seem to be growing way too fast though. Quit it!

Adam Buchanan said...

we've been loving the weather too. heat wave coming this week.

cool waterfalls. slc has waterfalls. ok not really, but if they did would you move here?

Brian & Rena Bayley said...

Sure... adman if you build us a waterfall we'll be there! .... Build it and they will come.....